
Duncan is the friend of a friend. And when Howard and I met him, we knew you would be encouraged when you heard his story. Having grown up an athiest, his attitudes about much of life were dramatically different than most of us experienced. But it was his temper that really needed to be touched by God. His is a story that will cause you to think deeply about your own life. It certainly did for me! Listen here now!

Duncan Othen Part 2

Duncan Othen lived a different kind of life. His temper caused him trouble at almost every turn. And then there was that bear wrestling challenge! But, in part 2 of his story, everything changed when he accepted Jesus into his heart. Don't miss this life-changing story. There's hope for all of us! Listen here soon! 

Katie Taylor

Katie Taylor is the Executive Director of Film School Africa. And for some 14 years, she and the staff at FSA have been sharing Christ and teaching young people how to make a living working in film. Katie shared a bit of the FSA story nearly 5 years ago when Choose Life Radio had just begun. I think you'll agree the story becomes more exciting each year. Be encouraged by this difference maker! Listen here soon!

Today we share a dream with our guest, Missy Martinez-Stone. Her quest? To put an end to abortion and the destruction of innocent lives using a powerful organization, Reprotection. Missy's goal when she launched Reprotection was--and still is--to investigate and shutter abortion facilities that violate state health and medical codes. Listen here now! 

Our conversation with Jim Daly opened doors for understanding the ministry of Focus on the Family. But it also reveals a story of a lost boy growing up without parents due to tragic happenings at an early age. Jim is vulnerable, a teacher of God's Word, and a real friend the minute you meet him. Share this interview with your family and friends! Listen here now!

We welcome back Shana Strole. Although she was with us a few weeks ago, we decided to bring her back,because, in these days, we want parents (and grandparents) to know how to address issues our children face on the playground. Some are bullied, some kept out of games, some literally go home crying and even beat up! She shares how parents can address issues that harm our precious children. Listen here now!

Shana Strole is an author of adorable children's books. She has captured a way to explore kindness so young children can better deal with things that are said on the playground when parents aren't around!  She also shares her background and how she dealt with two miscarriages. AND... she brings her precious father to Choose Life Radio, as well! Listen here now!

Kevin Ross shares a very personal story of the trials he and his wife faced. They desparately wanted to have a child, but it just didn't happen. His story is poignent and sensitive...and likely will touch the hearts of our listeners. But, as Rush used to say, "It's the REST of story you will want to hear!" Listen here now! 

Second time around, Kevin Ross tells us how difficult it is when people in church come up to you and ask, "When are you two going to start a family?" Perhaps we can learn how sensitive this topic is for people WANTING to have a child, but have been thwarted from that dream. And then....even when it causes us to wonder WHY God isn't intervening? Listen here now! 

"My Ashes to Beauty"⁠ is a women’s support ministry helping those who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, post-abortion trauma, or sexual/physical abuse. It's led by our guest, Toni Weisz, and her heart is to walk alongside them with compassion, providing resources and information, and sharing the love of Jesus. Listen here now! 

Toni Weisz shares her powerful story and is a wonderful guest speaker for Pregnancy Help Centers as well as Churches. Often Pastors feel reluctant to talk about abortion, but many women NEED to hear stories like Toni's so they can begin healing. Be brave, churches! Women attending all over the globe need the healing touch of understanding God's forgiveness. Listen here now! 

What fun to connect with a pastor who's a very precious friend! When I served as the leader of several Pregnancy Centers, Pastor Berry was a dear friend. He brought his congregation to a point of securing part of their ministry resources to help pay the high costs of being on 500 radio stations across America. Berry, unfortunately, shares a difficult story from his heart that brings us to tears. Listen here now! 

Mondo De La Vega is a first for our program. Why? Because before he became a believer, he was a gang member, harming people, stealing, and so much more...UNTIL...he met Jesus! Listen here now! 

Our guest today is George Brummell, a Veteran from the Vietnam War. George shares a story that most Americans, especially age 60 or less, will be amazed to hear. And oh by the way, George authored the children's book "The Mole and the Violin". Listen here now!

We welcome back, our friend, George Brummell. Last week George shared about his time serving in Vietnam. Today, he shares his commitment to protect his wife who has dementia and...by the way...George is blind! Listen here now! 

Our guest today is Andrea Trudden. She serves as Vice-President at Heartbeat International. Hear Andrea's beautiful testimony to her first born son. Andrea placed him for adoption. "It has been a long journey, but I’m glad to have had the chance to bring you into the world and grace a family with the gift of you, son. You will always be in my heart, and I love you." Listen here now! 

Abortion: The Case for Life: an amazing book written by two men who simply wanted to state the obvious! The gift of Life is too valuable to make the choice to end the life of an unborn child. Listen with me as we talk, again, about their desire to share a very appropriate option to abortion. And this time, we hear a lot from Mitch. :-) Listen here now! 

Katie Brown serves the American Life League as Director of Communications. She states, "This provides a wonderful opportunity for those who retain fond memories of the scouting years to support a new generation of girls without having to endorse the objectionable philosophies now espoused by both Boys and Girls Scout USA." Listen here now!

Our guest, Kelly Lester, allows us to have two interviews. Why? Because she is a very strong representative of someone dealing with a deep and hurtful childhood. That trend continutes for Kelly in the relationships she accepted as an adult. Kelly shares her complicated past and the painful ways she disappoints her precious father, whom she loved. That father prayed to Our Father to protect his daughter, Kelly. Great testimony for us all! Listen here now! 

We are so proud to bring Kelly Lester back this week. After hearing her story last week, I do hope you, our listener, shared her testimony. So I'm assuming you also invited them to join us for this part 2 with Kelly Lester. Tighten your seat belts!!! But have NO FEAR. God is with us all the way with Kelly's profound story today. Listen here now! 

When we first met Steventhen Holland, we had just begun this ministry of Choose Life Radio. I heard him speak at a pregnancy center in our area, and his countenance was so amazing...purely from his relationship with God. He is back to let us know how he navigated through a Caucasian adoption as a black man. It's a story only God could provide in the life of Steventhen! And it all began with his name! Listen here now!

Dr. Bur Shilling is a long-standing friend of my husband's--they went to college together at Taylor University, and that means a lot! But, he's also a minister who leads Christian groups to Israel. He shares the Bible and Christ throughout the tour. So today, I've asked him to discuss Israel in 2024. Join us, won't you? Listen here now! 

Our guest caller, Stephanie, shares the struggles she has faced in her life. She delicately shares the story of her daughter, now in the hands of a man, deeply concernable. Stephanie's passion to protect her beautiful daughter with special needs from a man with a reputation for harming women makes this an interview that requires our prayers. Thank you for caring AND praying for young girls around the world who are being abused sexually. Listen here now! 

We recently talked with Bur Shilling about the importance of understanding the trajectory currently aimed right at Israsel. But, today, I asked him to join us once more to discuss the education of our youth--from kindergartner to college. If YOU are a student wondering what you can best do to help this upcoming generation, be a teacher who shares Christ in loving, in caring, and best --in words and prayers. Listen here now! 

Frequently, Jonathan quotes Genesis 18:14, "Is anything too hard for our LORD?" when autographing copies of his first book. It's both a nod to his own "miracle" pregnancy for him and his wife. And, it's also a statement of faith for every believer's future. Listen here now! 

Stephen E. Strang is an evangelical publisher and author of Spirit Led Living in an Upside-down World. Stephen is also the founder and chief executive officer of Charisma Media. His book will challenge the reader, and the interview unpacks America "upside down!" right now. Listen here now!

Do you have a birthmark? I did, once upon a time. My mother called it a "beauty mark", but after my fourties, the doctor said, "it's got to go"! Today we have an awesome "birth-mark" story, and adoption is at the center, as is meeting a birth mother and the gift God gives--LIFE! While Kathy does most of the actual interview, it's a MUST to hear Roger's poinant words at the very end. He had me in tears! Listen here now! 

Henry Thomas Weber, author of "Americans We Were" is our guest on Choose Life Radio. The book is heavy...I mean REALLY heavy, but you won't fall asleep as Henry shares Leviticus 25:10 in his forward. "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof." Powerful man with a powerful message. Listen here now! 

Part two of our interview with Henry Thomas Weber. If you missed his interview last week, best go back and listen to it so you can connect his wisdom and his concerns about America. Listen here now! 

Jonathan is our guest this week on Choose Life Radio. The power of this Christ-Follower is his impact on every person hearing his testimony as a guest preacher. But that's not all--he also provides the most amazing songs through his powerfull voice. Listen in...you won't be disappointed. Listen here now! 

Kimberly is an adopted child. This gift is often a huge blessing that also comes with some challenges. Married to Matt, Kim has two children. She was adopted in 1982, just as agencies began actually putting interviews for adopties online. Kim's adoptive parents were wonderful. Her story captures the love of her adopting family as well as loving the "mother" who protected her life by placing her for adoption. Listen here now! 

The Amish people have a lot to say about LIFE. Choose Life Radio has been blessed to have a significant friend, Milo Miller. Milo was Amish when he married his precious wife, Kathryn. Before she would marry Milo, she made sure he really knew Christ as his savior. They have been a twined couple serving God across the world, and the food at his restaurant is excellent!. Listen as Milo shares the mighty ministry through the years of Kathryn and Milo Miller! Listen here now! 

Merry Christmas from the Choose Life Radio family! Today's program features a repeat interview witht Billy Ballenger. Billy's incredible talent... a singer, song writer, and his story about being CHASED by GOD is the real Billy! Join us as Billy shares his thoughts on Christmas. Listen today to Billy's amazing voice! Listen here now!

Julz is a first-time mom with Harper. Her work, however, is all about babies! Julz is the Communications and PR specialist at Save the Storks, where she writes copy for all the marketing materials needed for centers and supporters. Her gift is ensuring that Save the Storks' messaging is always consistent and on brand. Listen here now! 

Dawn Bethel is the Director of Client Service at a significant pregnancy help organization in the mid-west. But, there's a deeper reason Dawn is sharing her story today, listener, and it’s a very personal reason. Dawn allows me and you, our listener, to understand the very high cost of abortion. Listen here now! 

Two men took time away from their work to write a "Booklet" about LIFE titled Abortion: The Case For Life--Clarity for the Christian. Greg Mack spoke on Choose Life Radio for the two of them, but for sure, these two warriors for LIFE wrote something we can share with anyone considering an abortion. Check out Abortion: The Case For Life by Mitch McKelvey and Greg Mack. And then stock your shelves so you have something easy to understand, valuable to hear and worth the "voices" of all the innocent aborted children. Listen here now! 

Unfortunately, crimes are being committed all across America. Today's guest is Khila Coleman, and she is the first victims assistance coordinator in Hutto, TX - just outside Austin. Her kind and gentle voice gives us a taste of how she helps victims calm down from a terrifying experience. Listen in...she'll immediately be your new friend! Listen here now!

Coach Terrell Young cares about kids! He currently serves Wake County Public School System as a School Administrator. His gift if counseling students, encouraging them to engage and thrive! His Pastor's heart plays a big part as students see him as the REAL DEAL!  Just call him "Coach!" Listen here now! 

David Hughens is a Christ follower and he's working on his first crowdfunded film. Made With Love stars an individual with Down Syndrome. David is passionate about this movie because he wants people who view Made with Love to grasp the tremendous value we have in the lives of those born with Down Syndrome. And it's crawdfunded, so you and I can add our support financially. Good deal all around! Listen here now!

I'm grateful for Rob Walgate, of The Public Square, as he shares the concerns we should be addressing across our nation--the question of abortion being offered in schools without parental awareness. Many states are being highjacked by political swaying to accept abortion without parental awareness. I call that murder! Listen in as Rob discusses this extremely important topic. And then, run to your governor and your representatvies and stand for the LIFE of the unborn...please? Listen here now! 

Our guest today is Dr. Carla Ludwig. She is a non-profit executive, author and speaker. She's also the founder of Hope for Single Moms, a faith-based non-profit moving single mom families from poverty to prosperity by removing the barriers single moms have. She shares how she helps single mothers to get a career education. Her conversation is very inspiring! Listen here now! 

When the HOUSE SPEAKER speaks, you listen! Our guest today is Daniel Hawkins, Kansas House Speaker. And if you think your government representative doesn't care about the people being served, you will know immediately that isn't Danial Hawkins. Join us as we talk about LIFE. Listen here now! 

Robert Kilo, Senior Director of Advancement at Center for Christian Virtue, shares with us today the importance of voting for LIFE at the state level. "The mission of CCV is to seek the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel." Robert is humble and kind, but God has planted a strong heart in this man to protect the unborn. "Vote LIFE", says Robert. Listen here now.

Rebecca Kiessling trusts God because otherwise, she couldn't possibly deal with the disappointments and losses that have come into her life. Rebecca was adopted at birth, but 18 years later she learned she was conceived out of a brutal rape at knife-point by a serial rapist. "I’d never considered that abortion applied to my life, but once I received this information, all of a sudden I realized that, not only does it apply to my life, but it has to do with my very existence." This is a story that will prove God's love...and a faith big enough to accept that love. Listen here now! 

We welcome back Rebecca Kiessling, this time to talk about the tragic loss of two adopted sons--and she warns us of what fentenol can and WILL do to harm inocent people. Thank you, Rebecca, for this passionate story! If you are looking for a speaker for your Christian organization, I strongly suggest Rebecca Kiessling! Listen here now! 

I watched an interview with Dr. Patti Giebink, MD, and I knew I wanted to bring her to you, my listener. When I contacted her, she was surprised and a bit shocked that I would reach out to her. But when you hear her story, I'm sure you will be grateful that she shared HER career and HER story! Listen here now! 

Kind listener, I asked Dr. Patti Giebink, MD to join us again because she is a wealth of information of the things physicians are asked or required to do. Her testimony has caused me to pray fervently for all physicians to stop doing abortions in our country that claims FREEDOM for ALL--born and unborn! Listen here now! 

Today's guest is Simon Woodstock. Yes...I'm sure that last name brings back the days of Woodstock...but it's not Simon's story. As a strong leader, he shares the ministry he leads as the Director of Assure Pregnancy located in San Bernadino County, California. Men....take notice! Listen here now! 

Our guest, Candace Sessums, shares with Choose Life Radio her story of LIFE.  I want to remind you, our listener, that we are being privileged with true stories about LIFE. And the very reason this radio program is available to you is that you might share a testimony that impacts you with someone you know.  And, again and again, I'm so grateful for your prayers and financial support. Listen here now! 

Susan Geouge is a walking testament to what God has done in her life!  Everyone she passes by, she says aloud, "God bless you!" And with those words shared with me in a grocery parkinglot, I had to walk back to hear her story.  And now, you can hear it, as well! Listen here now!

David Bereit has a lot on his plate, but he doesn't hesitate to join me on Choose Life Radio!  Why?  Because his passion is to help women and men choose LIFE.  Hear his articulate discussion about the value of every unborn child. Listen here now! 

What a joy to talk with Dr. Haywood Robinson, once again, and meet his second wife (after his first passed away).  Welcome Daphne Robinson to Choose Life Radio! Listen here now! 

Being a California girl growing  up, I loved swimming in the ocean. Our guest, Lindsay Bruns, also enjoys that...accept...her story might surprise you! Listen here now! 

Dr. Sweeting, the former president of Colorado Christian University and current Chancellor. As an engaging author, Donald has co-authored two books: How to Finish the Christian Life and Lessons from the Life of Moody. Donald's insights into Christian education and college students are amazing. Listen here now! 

It’s beautiful when pastors insert themselves in pregnancy center ministries. Today John shares with us how his commitment to the local church and pregnancy ministries in this country led him to found and lead  PassionLife Ministries by training Christian leaders in countries suffering the highest rates of abortion. Listen here now! 

It was a priviledge to talk with Sue Justice as she unwraps her passion to help women and men become protectors of LIFE including the unborn...the most vulnerable, for sure. Listen here now! 

Talking, again, with Sue Justice about her work with The Justice Foundation. This interview is a great opportunity to share with those who have experienced a forced abortion.  Even years later, there is a safe place to find Justice! Listen here to part 2 now! 

Today’s interview with Mike Gilland gives me hope that I might someday be as good as Mike when it comes to interviewing guest on the radio. From pastor to local radio personality, his greatest gift is his ability to communicate his relationship with God. Listen here now! 

Sometimes—albeit rarely—Choose Life Radio gets a surprise guest.  After the incident at Hunter College made news across the country, we contacted Students for Life of America staff to get their understanding on the scattering of a pro-life display by a Hunter College faculty member. We were privileged to interview with Savannah Craven, NE Field Operations Coordinator. Listen here now! 

While there are numerous issues and concerns related to how each of us might feel about the Ukrainian war, now well into its’ second year, all of us—as believers—recognize the importance of helping those who have been tragically displaced from their country. Our guest today shares her story of working with Ukrainian refugees. Listen here now!

Tiffany Matthews addresses very personal, very touching  issues about miscarriage, and she uncovers the pain and loss many women have experienced without much support. There is no celebration with miscarriage. There is no baby shower, and there is no baby. Tiffany touches the hearts of many women who have experienced this loss. Listen here now! 

Dr. Ben Carson is slow to anger and amazingly quiet, even when being interviewed. But, in the midst of his interview, he giggled about something and that's when we got to see the precious personality of Dr. Ben Carson. His story begins with a broken family...a mother trying to balance two jobs every day while having to leave two boys alone. Ben Carson is who he is today because of his amazing mother who made sure he was educated, polite and staying away from the gangs! Listen here now! 

We are hearing a lot about Ukraine right now, however, we aren't hearing from the heart of the Church in Ukraine. Our guest today will share from his heart experiences of those who have been able to flee...and those who remain in Ukraine, This wonderful interview is a call to all Christians to pray, pray, PRAY! Listen here now!

Jimmy Graham (CEO of Able Shepherd and Veteran U.S. Navy Seal) talks about firearm suicide prevention. Please listen and share this important interview with your school board. Your children deserve to be protected. Listen here now! 

Connie Hagen shares in her book, Drinking the Cup, the story of being an ordained pastor and a professional counselor--helping women recover from trauma. Through her ministry she has cultivated an ability to connect with women who have experienced suffering, loss, brokenness, grief and shame. This is a strong story from a strong woman! Listen here now!   

Yes, John Stonestreet is a close friend of Choose Life Radio. And his interview today is about our culture. He weighs in on the topic of schools influencing our youth and the presure to accept gender changes in young lives. Listen in, and you will be better able to influence your school board. Listen here now! 

Dawn Bethel is the Director of Client Service at a significant pregnancy help organization in the mid-west. But, there's a deeper reason Dawn is sharing her story today, listener, and it’s a very personal reason. Dawn allows me and you, our listener, to understand the very high cost of abortion. Listen here now! 

Jor-El Godsey is a man who has a tremendous vision for pregnancy centers across America and internationally. His message for Choose Life Radio is one of encouragement as we represent the stories of so many pregnancy help centers. Listen in and then consider YOUR role in opening a Pregnancy Center in your town. You will never regret it! Listen here now! 

Carol Everett was and IS a very successful and wealthy woman. Her investments were in focus and she owned 5 abotion clinics. But her story takes a major turn. This interview is a must. Isn't it amazing what God can do? Listen here now! 

Joining us this week is Jerry Cirino, the host of Fides (pronounced "FEE-DASE" and Latin for Knowledge, Faith, Truth). Jerry's passion is to get the truth out there in a world of falsehoods. His time with Choose Life Radio is powerful. Listen here now! 

Today we share a dream with our guest, Missy Martinez-Stone. Her quest? To put an end to abortion and the destruction of innocent lives using a powerful organization, Reprotection. Missy's goal when she launched Reprotection was--and still is--to investigate and shutter abortion facilities that violate state health and medical codes. Listen here now! 

Laine Lawson Craft, author of "The Parent's Battle Plan" has created a master strategy to help parents win BACK their prodigal children.  So put on your armor, and jump into the battle to save your kids! Listen here now! 

Chief Jeffrey Yarbrough is one of those guests who become your best friend. Because when you find yourself in a threatening situation, you and I both would cry out for help from someone close who could protect us! Listen here now! 

Emily Berning is the President and Co-Founder of Let Them Live, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to saving lives from abortion by financially supporting women in crisis pregnancies..Her greatest passion in life is giving pregnant women the support they need to  choose life. Listen here now! 

Tabitha Goodling is a guest who wants to get the story, and, as a free-lance reporter, she's pretty good at getting what she wants! But she also has her own story to share. No woman should ever be pressured to end the life of a child in her womb. Hear Tabitha's journey though her pregnancy of triplets. Listen here now! 

A very special friend of Choose Life Radio, Kurt Kondrich, beautifully highlights the value of every single LIFE! He and his wife knew that their unborn daughter would likely have Down's Syndrome. But they knew they were chosen to be her parents. In this interview, Kurt shares about the vulnerability and beauty of trusting  a God whose plan exceeds anything we could imagine.  Listen here now! 

Serving for a number of years for a local pregnancy center, Lonette Baity knew that she wanted to serve God with her talents. And BOY has she been consistently serving Him. Listen in as she shares her powerful story. Listen here now! 

Olivia Frey survived a deadly encounter with alcohol. Many young people in our very own communities struggle with these issues. This surely is an interview you should share, if you know a family dealing with alcohol or anorexia. Both of these diseases can, and have, ended the lives of many struggling in their minds around body image. Listen here now! 

Today we're excited to replay an interview with Steve Amerson that has already aired on Choose Life Radio. Steve not only walks the halls of Congress praying with, and for our elected leadership, he also has an amazing voice that can be heard on numerous movies and in church sanctuaries throughout the country. His is a talent you will most certainly appreciate and enjoy. Listen here now! 

Some stories break hearts...this is one! We welcome J.J. Jasper as he shares the most wondeful and the worst day of his life with his son, Cooper. I am grateful for what God is doing with this amazing family. Listen here now! 

J.J. Jasper continues with God's story in his life, and redemption is alwlays God's theme! Listen here now! 

Karen founded iHOPE Ministries with her husband, Renod, to awaken the Church and share their faith and desire to share Jesus Christ with Muslims and other non-Believers. iHOPE has emboldened tens of thousands of Christians worldwide to share the hope of Jesus across cultural and religious divides. Karen grew up in America’s heartland unaware of people of other faiths. She pursued the American Dream and built a successful career as a corporate executive. But God had other plans. Karen is using her corporate skills to embolden everyday Christian women to share their faith across religious boundaries. She is the host of the “Blue Cord” podcast, a catalyst for Christian women who know they “should be” sharing their faith. Listen here now! 

After meeting Karen Bejjani, I have been blessed to interview her kind husband, Renod Bejjani. He is the author of Muslims, 5 Biblical Essentials Every Christian Must Know and Do, and The Way to Paradise, a ground-breaking, gospel-centered Bible study for Muslims. Renod shares five steps to bring a person to know Christ.  These are powerful steps and I'm sharing them with you now.  Please let me know via our website, ChooseLifeRadio.com, if someone you know accepted Christ after you shared these truths.

1. The LOVE of God is irresistible.  Love people!

2.  Be looking for someone God has prepared their heart and enabled that person to hear!

3.  Pray with that person in the name of Jesus Christ.

4.  Share Romans 10:9..Confess, Believe, Salvation!

5.  Share the Bible--the Words Jesus spoke! Listen here now! 

Billy Ballenger is not new to Choose Life Radio. As a matter of fact, Billy and his precious wife, Jodie, are loved by all of the Choose Life Radio team. This Christmas, enjoy the short conversations together as well as hearing Billy's two amazing Christmas songs. This is Choose Life Radio's gift to you during your busy times with family. Actually, it's our family to yours! Merry Christmas, dear listener! Listen here now!

Lauren Mazyka, ESQ is back with us today. She is the leadership of Sidewalk Advocates for Life. We have brought her back to help us understand the threats against those who are attempting to be sidewalk counselors. It has been a pleasure to have her with us in previous disussions on Choose Life Radio, and today we will address perhaps the biggest threat to sidewalk advocacy. Listen here now!

We met under unique circumstances. It was right after she had knee replacements, so she was stuck in bed, listening to Choose Life Radio. Our conversation about LIFE as treated in liberal states like Oregon, became one of my favorites. Listen in, won't you? Listen here now!  

This lady hits the nail on the head! Churches need to hear and SEE the issue of abortion. And then we, the body of Christ, must do everything in our power to save lives. Listen here now! 

Some women are simply beautiful within, others are  also gorgeous on the outside, as well!  But beauty doesn't equal happiness, and Fran shares her story of alcohol, divorce and loss. Redemption is the key to this awesome interview. Listen here now! 

We recently spoke with Fran Drennan, but I wanted to bring her back and asked her husband, Denny, to join us.  When we say "there's more to this story." we mean there's Denny!  Nothing but the bottom line, the whole story of LIFE that God gives us, and the importance on not letting that LIFE go down the drain with alcohol. Listen here now! 

Lauren has a law degree, but she found her heart spoke a different language. She is the CEO/President  of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, and she is more than able to go head-to-head with abortionists. Lauren is so capable of training and supporting sidewalk advocates who are able to share the truth about life to women heading into an abortion mill where her child will be destroyed in the womb. Such an important interview, so listen up and then think...could I do that? The answer is YES! Listen here now! 

President and CEO Lauren Muzyka has to run a tight ship...because she's going head-to-head with the abortion industry. If it takes walking the sidewalks to keep eyes open, Lauren is willing and able. Her job is to protect the unborn, and her best work is done in front of abortion mills. She has over 20 years of sidewalk-outreach experience, including participating in the very first 40 Days for Life campaign and later serving as 40 Days for Life’s campaign strategist, advising their 300+ campaigns in North America. Inspired by the transformative power of prayer and peaceful outreach on the sidewalk, Lauren founded Sidewalk Advocates for Life in 2014. Listen here now! 

David Zanotti left his family's manufacturing company in 1985 to join The Roundtable and he currently serves as President/CEO of The American Policy Roundtable and The Public Square® Media Network. He's a man with a heart for LIFE, and his gift is helping voters understand the capability vs the liability of people on the ballot! He also serves as President of Roundtable Freedom Forum, a legislative organization. Zanotti isn't concerned which party you belong to...he cares about you knowing the real person hoping to be elected! Believe you me...Dave Zanotti can be trusted! Listen here now! 

If you know someone who is feeling sorry for themselves, share this amazing interview with Bradley Walker. What a story of allowing God to use us, no matter how much we feel we don't have a lot to offer.  Once you hear Bradley Walker sing (and create songs) and then connect the dots with his incapacities, well...his interview shares a lot...but his singing is just awesome! Listen here now! 

Counseling often starts at home...just ask Dr. Melanie Taylor. Her desire is that every student attending college, who feels left out or like they are being targeted, has a place to go to talk with someone.  Melanie shares the cost of Covid that has made life away from home even more difficult. Listen here now! 

Following up on last week's interview with a college campus psychologist, our guest today meets with younger kids in both private and public schools. She shares that many kids are lost--having very few friends gets more painful and more evident when you don't see them in person. How detrimental has Covid been to our youth? Very detrimental! Listen here now! 

Nancy Dornan is known and loved by so many people, but she doesn't like to talk about herself. She wants to make sure you, the listener, gains strength and confidence from what she shares. In part two, Nancy brings us through the loss of a precious husband, feeling all the more responsible to the hundreds of people who count on her and finding time to set up boundaries so she can deal with the pain in her life. And, perhaps the best part, is the man God provided--even though her mind was made up to remain alone...lock and keyed! Listen to part one here now! Listen to part two here now! 

This precious man, Greg King, looks like he could never do a wrong thing. NEVER! But when we factor in alcohol, we are dealing with more than just our own mindset. Now we've opened the door and let Satan have at it! Oh, yes...it will touch every listener hearing. Listen here now! 

There were times when Greg's wife, Michelle, couldn't tell if Greg was dead or alive. And as they share, it seems they both were lost. But God had great purpose for Greg and Michelle.  They are alive today and singing God's love and care...through it all! A miraculous story to share with someone warring with alcohol. Listen here now! 

Author and interpreter of God's Word, Jonathan Cahn's writings take Old Testament wisdom and apply it to our current days in America. The truth is, it's a bit scary, but it's every minute of serious Biblical reminders of God's people staying away from the evil and leaning into the Triune God as Christ followers. Jonathan is a sought out guest, and we are so very blessed to have this interview with him. Listen here now! 

Scott is a great guest to invite back, because his understanding and wise counsel is such a help. He shares how we are to navigate our own state's preference of dealing with abortion. And perhaps, every bit as important, that every child is a CHILD at conception. So the discussion of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months being considered when our laws should allow NO abortions...well, because "a person's a person, no matter how small!" Listen here now! 

Neil Alvarado is a personal friend of the Taylor family. As a teenager, Neil attended a Bible Study for Christian Athletes that took place in our home. While Neil asked for Christ to enter His heart, his home, his parents and grandparents told him he would never amount to anything. His interview is beyond painful as well as redemptive.  Listen to part 1 here now and part 2 here!

Dr. Haywood Robinson gives us a picture of LIFE...first his time with his wife, Noreen, as they both gained lots of money doing abortions, and second, as God touched Haywood's heart. What a difference a LIFE of salvation is! Listen here now! 

Our conversation with Jim Daly opened doors for understanding the ministry of Focus on the Family. But it also reveals a story of a lost boy growing up without parents due to tragic happenings at an early age. Jim is vulnerable, a teacher of God's Word, and a real friend the minute you meet him. Share this interview with your family and friends! Listen here now!

What a mystery we unpack as we talk with Tony Myers. His life as a child was reckless and got more risky as he aged. He didn't want to ever "hear" the name of Jesus. When he met his wife-to-be, they married on the condition that she could have her faith in Jesus Christ, but she was never to try to get him to go to church!  What a surprising turn around that gives us hope for our loved ones straying from God. Listen here now!

Herbie Newell fully shares the loving gift of adoption. Before joining Lifeline Children's Services as their Executive Driector, Herbie was the Senior Accountant for Warren, Averett, Kimbrough, & Marino, an accounting firm in AL. Trust this, every non-profit organization would love to have a top-notch accountant on staff, but Herbie's heart is for the child waiting to be adopted, hoping for a home where a family wants them as their own.  Lifeline Children's Services places children in Christian homes. What an accomplishment as you hear Herbie's story. Listen here now!

Death comes in all seasons, at all ages, and with surprises we can never anticipate.  Don't miss the complicated story with this outstanding Christian couple...and two almost identical daughters.  This is a repeat interview.  Listen here to their gripping testimony! 

Dr Richard Allen Farmer is a native New Yorker. He began piano studies in New York City at the age of 11 and accepted Christ into his life a year later. As his faith and musicianship grew, the two blended. Rev. Farmer now uses his music as a unique vehicle to inspire, motivate and entertain diverse audiences everywhere. Farmer is married to Rosemary whom he adores, and he shares a very special story about the adoption of their son, Timothy. Listen here now!

Chris Long is the President of Christian Alliance of America and the voice of Ohio Christian Alliance. Both organizations deal with public policy and voter education representing Christian interests before the legislature and the U.S. Congress.  Ohio Christian Alliance has produced and distributed over 9 million voter guides for distribution to thousands of churches in all 88 counties in Ohio since 2002.  Both organizations advocate for pro-life, pro-family, religious liberty and First Amendment issues. Chris's interview is clear and concise--just like we like it for Choose Life Radio! Listen here now! 

Director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council. Mary is returning to Choose Life Radio to help us appreciate the sanctity of human life in the midst for Roe v Wade Supreme Court draft ruling. She discusses the atrocity when 5 fully-developed 6-to-9 month babies were found discarded at an abortion site. Listen here now! 

Janet Parshall has her own radio program! So, why would she be sharing her wisdom with us on Choose Life Radio?  Because she is a believer and she knows that every creation in the womb is given by God, and we must speak that truth to America. As our nation continues to abort thousands of unborn children, Janet Parshall shares deep insights with Choose Life Radio listeners. Join us for this wonderful interview. Listen here now! 

Thomas Glessner is the founder and President of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), a public interest law firm founded in 1993. Continuting the effort Choose Life Radio is making concerning the Supreme Court decision to move Roe v Wade back to the individual states, Tom Glessner is very articulate on the laws currently dealing with abortion. His Christian faith is evident in this powerful interview. Listen here now!

Our guest today has been an active leader in her local Baptist Church. If you have a question--any question-- just ask Yvonne Herring! She will do anything that needs to be done, and her pastor knows that if he needs something accomplished, he's going to ask Yvonne!  But what you will learn from Yvonne's story will remind you--as it has me--that God uses all who desire to serve Him. And...no matter how long we have wandered and strayed, our Father will never leave us. Listen here now!  

Melissa Neef, husband Paul and daughter Amanda bring us full circle in understanding this unbelievable story about life. Often what seems like a nightmare is actually an opportunity to share with others the love of our Lord Jesus. And we learn that sometimes we might think we've lost our treasured child, only to see her come to life again. This interview is all about God's love and family commitment...and we hear from all of the main players.  Listen here now! 

CEO/President of American Policy Roundtable and The Public Square Media Network. In this interview he gives insight into the leak of the recent Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade. Dave is able to help provide insight into the draft ruling itself. Listen here now! 

Victorious Heart, a story the reader can't put down, was the winner of the 2020 Independent Press Award. But today, Kim shares her story with you, our listener, knowing that it's a sad story but one that God has gifted Kim to share. Families like the Peacocks have allowed God to use their pain and His healing. Listen here now! 

This Easter season we have chosen to share with you, treasured listner, an interview with Billy Ballenger. It's a powerul story of running from God and realizing God will never desert you. An angry young boy rapidly destroying those around him, Billy comes face-to-face with the One Who created him. Billy's story is powerful to share with families dealing with delinquint children. Billy is now touching teens and adults with his gift of music. And for Easter, we couldn't have picked a better song to share with you and your familly. Enjoy Billy's song, The Tree and the Nails. Listen here now! 

“So I was thinking about adoption…” For a woman considering an abortion, this is what you want to hear from her in a counseling session! Our guest, Heather Featherston shares with us the perfect little booklet to give to a woman seeking options for her baby..  If you think this is something you could gift to a local pregnancy center, please go to Lifetime Adoption to find many wonderful tools for sharing the gift of LIFE. Heather is such a delightful guest, and her humor is refreshing as we tackle a difficult topic. Listen here now! 

PragerU Chief of Staff Adrienne Johnson was once a cynical atheist. Her parents gave her a wide-birth in making decisions which caused her to struggle to find meaning and purpose in life. As she grew up she found herself feeling even more adrift and alone. After hitting rock bottom, she learned that it’s never too late to take responsibility and change your life. Adrienne shares her powerful personal story of how finding faith in God gave her a second chance at life. Listen here now! 

Dr. Corey Abney accepted the position as senior pastor at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in the year 2019. Today, as senior pastor, Dr. Abney leads the multi-campus congregation’s vision and strategy and preaches on Sundays at the Brandon campus, located on Bell Shoals Rd. Listen here now! 

Young at heart is not the only thing we can share about Missy Stone. Missy has organized youthful friends to create a great awareness of what abortion truly is. Her organization is Re-Protection. So grateful to have a generation being impacted by the likes of Missy Martinez-Stone! Listen here now! 

Linda Keener Thomas reminds us that we have memorials for people who have died in wars, protecting our nation. And it's a gift we should rememberber. But in 2019 alone, 629,898 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas...so we obviously need a memorial wall for those humans killed in the battle of abortion, right? Don't miss Linda's soft and caring words about about the war still going on in our nation. Listen here now! 

Our guest today is Steve Amerson, and he walks the halls of Congress and Senate sharing Christ and offering prayers for those in need. And, believe me, in our current times, there is a lot of need! But Steve's heart carries a melody of God's Word, and he shares with our listeners the PURPOSE God has given him in America. And...he will sing us out with a song! Listen here now! 

We welcome back Glen Heavilin to share with us the joy and the pain involved with caring for his precious wife, Marilyn Heavilin. Glen has kindly given us a number of one of Marilyn's books, Grief is a Family Affair.  Marilyn wrote this with their son, Matthew, and it is a valuable resource. This book is available for any gift of $20 or more.  Listen here now!

Jenny Foster - Part. 2

Welcome back, dear listener. As promised, we have the "rest of the story" with Jenny Foster. Please listen and consider sharing her testimony. I believe there are many young women and men dealing with these issues right now. Listen here now! 

Nia Lyte (Carolina Manrique Koyamada) is a TED Talk speaker, Peace Award winner and humanitarian. She is the President & C.O.O. of The Shinca Group overseeing the company's international clients and creative teams for movies, TV Shows, Digital Comic Books, Video Games and Digital Stickers. Nia oversees the international consulting businesses in the U.S., Japan and Colombia. She is a published author of a book called "The Power of Your Inner Beauty", distributed nationwide in English and Japanese at the Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Today, on ChooseLifeRadio, she shares her very personal story steeped in prayer. Listen here now!

Adoption stories are never the same--they all involve a loss for a birth mother, a gift for a family adopting and a history to be unwound by the child. Steventhen William Holland shares with amazing clarity and love. His book, The Journey: from Brokenness to Wholeness, is packed with his story, and this opportunity to talk with Steventhen is such a gift. Listen here now!

Myah Abraham is a sixteen-year-old passionate teen advocate working to protect the dignity and joy of all life. Her journey began by hearing the story of Bernard Nathanson and after hearing his story she started a Youtube channel, GreatLife, and will find any way to rally teens to take a stand in the matters that involve life. She started and continues to run a teen club in the Houston area with over twenty kids working to share the joy of life in their community. Listen here now! 

Matt serves as the the board secretary and general counsel for 40 Days for Life. He has had an expansive legal career. Matt has written and spoken countless times on a wide range of legal and pro-life issues in locations across the United States as well as other countries. Most importantly, Matt is married to Libby Britton, and they have eight beautiful children and two grandchildren. Listen here now! 

This is one of those interviews that takes everything in you and me to listen. And yet, Jenny Foster is not only a survivor, she's a very special daughter of our Lord God. Jenny's story is abuse, trying to fit into the "right" crowd, getting deeper and deeper in lies and deceit. But it is absolutely redeeming.  And Jenny's book, Natty's Pond, is a treasure. Listen here now!

Author of "You Carried Me: A Daughter's Memoir", Melissa lived a loving life as an adopted child. But...there was a secret yet to be revealed that would rock her world. Listen here now! 

Former Congressman Bob McEwen is Executive Director of the Council for National Policy. Bob has represented Ohio in the US House of Representatives for 6 terms. On August 23, 1989, Congressman McEwen and US Senator Robert Doll participated as US observers in Warsaw, Poland to the first ever Parlimentary election of a non-communist leader of a Soviet bloc country. He offers powerful insight to the freedom we must cling to in America’s current circumstances. Listen here now!

Great to have Anthony in studio for this interview. His ability to describe the abortion procedure (because he did more than 1200 abortions prior to turning his life over to Jesus Christ) captures the pain and agony for the unborn and the  mother.  And actually, Dr. Tony also felt the pain that only salvation could cure. Listen to a captivating interview with a redeemed and forgiven gentleman! Listen here now! 

Shannon and Dave Caroll were called to serve God before they wed. Dave became a preacher, and Shannon was by his side, working with their children and helping many of the people in the church family. Along the way, something very strange took place, and Shannon shares the story of lost memories, patience, tolerance and loving support. This one brings sweet tears and soft smiles. Listen now here! 

Being a pastor of a large church, Samuel Rodriguez strongly addresses the issues many pastors hope to avoid. Listen here now! 

Literally serving the world with compassion as Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, Ambassador Brownback has been able to protect people's ability and right to worship as their faith desires. When asked his opinion of repealing Roe v. Wade, Brownback said, "It would be a glorious day of human liberty and freedom." His encouragement is exciting as he talks about the Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health Org. case. There is so much hope for America to turn back the clock and stop the mass killings of the unborn, and Ambassador Brownback beautifully lays out the hope. Please PRAY for an end to ABORTION and share this amazing interview. Listen here now!

We’re all sinners saved by grace! And, today, our guest will give us a wake up call about SIN at it's most destructive and GRACE that redeems all of our sins! Listen here now!

Conceived in rape and abandoned at birth, Monica shares the difficult issues in her past. But God gave her a wonderful purpose to make sure other mothers who find themselves in such turmoil have a place of safety. An excellent Pro-life Speaker and Founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes--meet Monica! Listen here now!

It was a blessing to talk with Dr. Jack Graham many weeks ago. I'm not sure you've had the opportunity to hear his story. So we are sharing with you his interview that causes me to say, I'm sooo grateful for the stories I'm intrusted with on Choose Life Radio. Pray for  Jack knowing all who preach the word with deep conviction are a target of Satan. I'm thankful he shared his story with us. Listen here now! 

It's always gratifying to have both a husband and wife together sharing their story.  Elaine and Rick Vegter went to the same church, had almost grown up together and knew they wanted to get married.  However, sometimes our plans become our fear which becomes our downfall. Grateful for Rick's contribution to the Vegter story. Listen here now!

Here's what we all know--our children are precious, no matter how unique the personality, how attractive the features, how thin or stocky the body--they are ours and we adore them. Becki shares a story about LIFE that can teach you and me a lot about how to love, how to celebrate and how to be broken. God is woven through this amazing woman's testimony. Listen here now!

A medical missionary, raised in a home that shared a passion for missions, Dr. Janice Allen became a nurse, married her husband who was a doctor of Opthalmology and raised three boys! When her husband passed, Janice decided to take her skills to the mission field, and there, with International Cooperating Ministries...the story is overwhelming! An absolute MUST listen. Listen here now!

If there is any justice in this world, we will know about it as Choose Life Radio invites Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, to share about important cases dealing with LIFE. Allan was the lead counsel for Norma McCorvey, formally Roe v Wade, but today he takes the opportunity to share The Moral Outcry.  Listen in as he talks about Melinda Thybault who is gathering signatures from women and men who have been harmed by abortion. After listening, if you qualify to place your signature on the nationwide petition asking the Supreme Court to reverse its abortion cases, you should check The Moral Outcry out!. Listen to this gentle giant as he shares the battle for LIFE. Listen here now! 

This is a story of LIFE if there ever was one. Cathy shares her illness, her determination and her support from her husband. Many women have faced cancer, but this story is a rare and exciting understanding of what God can do. When you join us to hear Cathy's story, know that she's a miracle girl who writes her beautiful story in her book Myrcles. Listen here now! 

We know the young are vulnerable. Love is fresh and exciting. But many teens, raised in the church, find themselves desparate to hide a very unplanned pregnancy. And that's when Satan enters in, taking the daughter and son of Christ Jesus and tempting them to end the pregnancy so no one will know.  Elaine shares her story with the hopes that every Christian parent--no, EVERY parent-- will be reminded that God's love and forgiveness always trumps Satan's lies. Listen here now! 

As we continue to remember 9/11 and those who died in that assault on America, Leslie Haskin shares her own story of being on the 36th floor of the first tower when it was hit by the plane flying into the 37th floor. What she saw, what she had to do...and what it did to her own life is what she shares with us today. Listen here now! 

Joining us again, Leslie Haskin shares the aftermath of 9/11. She went from senior staff of an insurance company to living with her son under the freeway bridge. Does God see her there? It's well worth the listen to this horrific yet redemptive... and intimate telling of Leslie's experience. Listen here now! 

Todd Beamer, one of the heroes of United Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001, was a family man with strong Christian values. Knowing that, has sustained his parents, David and Peggy Beamer. David Beamer speaks about their son as a good provider for his growing family. Todd left home at around 6:15 on Sept. 11 with plans to return later that night on a red-eye flight. David shares his son's last sacrifice. "Let's roll!" Listen here now! 

Cedar Park Church, located in Bothell, WA, has been going to the mat with Washington legislatures and the Governor, both of whom have been trying to force the church to include coverage for abortion costs. Pastor Jay and his wife, Sandy have drawn the line...and for good reason. Listen to hear how Denise Harle, with Alliance Defending Freedom, stood in the gap at the 9th Circuit Court and fought to defeat this atrocity. Listen here now!

We are blessed to have CEO Peggy Benicke from Robbinsdale Women's Center. Not only is she leading a team of staff and volunteers who help women choose LIFE, but she also has a story to share that has God's redemption all over it!  Listen in and then share with your pregnancy center near you! Listen here now!

When 9/11 began to light up the television screens of so many Americans, those who were watching felt desperately and utterly overwhelmed. It couldn't be true? Airplains were flying into the Twin Towers in New York, one by one, completely  obliterating the tallest buildings in our nation. But there was even more to the story. Sharon Deitrick is our guest today to remind us of that unplanned war zone equiped with heros who fought with everything they had to protect America's White House and the president within. Sharon is the Founder of The Halo Foundation. Listen here now!

Carmen Beasley has led Bible studies for women all over the world. She treasures opportunities to inspire women to authentically love God and one another. She's the author of the SImply Bible study series. You can find more about Carmen and these studies at simplybiblestudy.com. Listen here now! 

Dr. Noreen Johnson Robinson is sharing with us about her family, her ability to arrive in America and begin education as a physician. While her family was very opposed to abortion, Noreen found that doing those sugical abortions brought in a lot of money. She shares her story which is accomplishment, making money easily to pay off her medical classes...and...yet, very regretable. But for Jesus! Listen here now!

If your brother is a daredevil who loves to ride at 120mph on his motorcycle late at night, you and I can hardly imagine the prayers being prayed  constantly by his family for his safety.  But, then, there was one night...just one night... when the highway wasn't all his. Listen here now!

Justice For All, an organization that prepares young adults, and maybe some of us older folk, to balance truth and love in every conversation concerning LIFE. Kaitlyn shares wonderful information while she also trains me, Jill Taylor, how to have a conversation with the most aggressive pro-choicer you could find! Listen here now!

Ken Kerata lives the life of a dissenter when it comes to abortion. He's one of the many men willing to stand in front of an abortion site with the hope of helping a woman change her mind. Ken shares that it is very difficult to watch women escorted into a place where their unborn babies will be dismembered--killed!  But he always speaks with respect, knowing that they are being led astray.  We pray for more men like Ken Kerata! Listen here now!

Our guest is author Tom Fargnoli, a person whose family members experienced suicide. It's a painful story, but one that prompts us to stand by those we love and to help them, no matter how depressed or desparate they might be. In Thomas' words, "This is my story. Through it, I hope glimmers of hope, faith, love and peace find their way through your clouds as well." Choose Life Radio listener, will you share this program if you know someone fragile and/or depressed? Listen here now.

Author and sharer of writings that challenge us all, John Frey's story is going to capture your heart. It's a poignant rendering many of us will identify with in our own families: issues with an adult child, resulting in pain for siblings, requiring tremendous sacrifice and yet...God. Bring a Kleenex when you listen. Listen here now! 

A young girl, two babies under 3, and catastrophe! Wende's story helps us share the need for young mothers to have dedicated people ready to help them in time of need. She also reminds us we never forget those we love. Listen to this incredible interview here now! 

Aaron shares the ministry of Hope Women's Center in McKinney, TX. Aaron, who has pastored a church prior to officially heading Men's Ministry at Hope, is a strong asset for wife Holly. He has successfully done what most centers can't achieve--a strong program to help dads become nurturing father and husbands. However, a storm hit McKinney, TX and destroyed their Center.  Listen to what our heavenly Father does for His children! It ain't easy...but for God! Listen here now!

Angry, resentful, unforgiving--that's how Shannon McGraw describes herself after being raped by an elder family member repeatedly as a child and then having two separate date rape situations, as well. Her story of God's redemption for the most broken and wounded is so beautifully shared in this interview with Shannon. Shannon has gone on to help so many people deal with loss and pain. Listen here!

Max has provided deep biblical wisdom in his books for adults, but his heart is to be winsome with the message of God's love for children.  His latest book is titled, "Where'd My Giggle Go?"  Join me as Max shares his heart and his message of finding the bright side of difficult times. For kids only? Well, in the horrific time of Covid, all God's people could use this adorable book! Listen here now! 

The 70's--when Roe v Wade reared it's ugly head, and Planned Parenthood took the speed lane! Charlotte Mitchell was one of the many women who got on a plane, flew to either CA or NY, got an abortion in a grungy clinic with a "doc" who wanted to do as many abortions as possible. Charlotte flew home with her friend and she was broken ... crushed. Her story is powerful. Listen here now!

Former Congressman Bob McEwen is Executive Director of the Council for National Policy. A senior advisor with the law firm Greenebaum, Doll & McDonald. Bob has represented Ohio in the US House of Representatives for 6 terms. On August 23, 1989, Congressman McEwen and US Senator Robert Doll participated as US observers in Warsaw, Poland to the first ever Parlimentary election of a non-communist leader of a Soviet bloc country. He offers powerful insight to the freedom we must cling to in America’s current circumstances. Listen here now!

John Ensor - a man of wisdom who loves the Lord and continues to serve where he is called. John served as a pastor in Boston. During his time a sort of outbreak took place, and people in the congregation began to share of their pain from abortion. John was absolutely floored, but he realized God was calling him to do something to help. Six centers were started in Boston and more in Florida before John felt called to serve in countries struggling with abortion, faith and safety. Tune in to hear his heart for the unsaved--and the unborn. Listen here now!

Stephanie Gray Connors is an international speaker, originally from Canada, who began presenting at the age of 18. She has given over 1,000 pro-life presentations over two decades around the world. She has spoken at many post-secondary institutions such as Yale University, George Washington University, and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2017, Stephanie was a presenter for Talks at Google, speaking on abortion at Google headquarters in California. Stephanie is a protector of LIFE, and she's highly sought after as a Premiere Speaker. Listen here now! 

Save the Storks, CEO Diane Ferraro is the first woman to lead this exciting organization. One of the many gifts she brings is her marketing background. People who have worked under her leadership through the years talk about her kindness and sensitivity. And that comes across beautifully as Diane tells her story of life and her work, now, as CEO of Save the Storks. Listen now here! 

Author and interpreter of God's Word, Jonathan Cahn's writings take Old Testament wisdom and apply it to our current days in America. The truth is, it's a bit scary, but it's every minute of serious Biblical reminders of God's people staying away from the evil and leaning into the Triune God as Christ followers. Jonathan is a sought out guest, and we are so very blessed to have this interview with him. Listen here now! 

John Stonestreet was Chuck Colson's choice to take over the ministry of The Colson Center. John proved to be an excellent choice. Father of four, John is a perfect speaker on issues of what our culture faces today. The writings of Stonestreet and others at Colson Center benefit youth as they prepare to be the next Christ followers of our world.  John speaks candidly about our roll as Christians in this changing culture we call United States of America. Listen here now!

Dr. Graham is the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, one of the nation’s largest, most dynamic congregations. He has grown a thriving Baptist congregate from 8,000 to more than 45,000 members! He is a noted author of numerous books, including his most recent release Angels: Who They Are, What They Do and Why It Matters; Man of God; Unseen; and Courageous Parenting.  His passionate, biblical teaching is also seen and heard across the country and throughout the world on PowerPoint Ministries. Listen here now! 

God has led Billy Ballenger around the globe with performances in the United States, China, Russia, Canada, worldwide television, and Christian music's largest annual tour Winter Jam, where his dream of arena tours and reaching tens of thousands for Christ became a reality!  His newest song is titled Tree and the Nails, and we are blessed he has shared it with us just in time for Easter. Billy is available to do concerts in high school and a performance in the evening where he can share his life's testimony. Listen here now! 

As a prolific author, Ruth Graham speaks with Choose Life Radio about the expectations the world holds for the families of people like Billy Graham. Ruth has shared life stories about her life (In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart: Hope for the Hurting) as well as devotionals. Ruth shares openly about the disappointments as well as her giftings. Her newest book, Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself: An Invitation to the Miracle of Forgiveness is beautifully unpacked during this coveted interview. Ruth is a mother, a daughter of a man rarely home, and an admitted divorcee who reconciled with her father. Listen here now! 

Abby returns to discuss her newest efforts to provide restitution for women hurt by abortion. Abby has joined with the Thomas More Society for project "Hurt After Abortion," and, as part of this initiative, Johnson is providing referrals for free legal consultation, addressing emotional and spiritual healing options, as well as assistance in accessing medical records for women who have been harmed by an abortion. Listen here now!

Mary Szoch is the Director for the Center of Human Dignity where she researches, writes, and coordinates collaborative efforts with other pro-life advocates on policies surrounding life and human dignity. In this interview with Choose Life Radio, Mary shares the pain of the loss of her pre-born son. Don't miss her article in Newsweek Magazine--Mary is a star witness...for Life and for God Who gives it...both physically and eternally. Listen here now

Serena is a pro-life speaker who shares her story of being raped at 13, taken for an abortion and finding healing and forgiveness. She is the author of "She Found His Grace". Serena loves Jesus and sharing about His freedom. Her story has a rich resolution--a must hear interview. Listen here! 

During a routine 12-week ultrasound, Stephanie and Andy Schoonover received a prenatal diagnosis of a life-limiting condition that would not only take their daughter’s life from theirs, but stole a lifetime of hopes and dreams in a matter of moments. Their story is important...their story is truth...their story is FAITH. Listen here now! 

Ryan has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of Purpose. His biological mother was raped yet courageously gave him a chance to live and the beautiful gift of adoption. He was adopted at 6 weeks of age and grew up in a loving, multi-“racial” Christian family of 15. With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great appreciation for diversity. Listen here now! 

Rex M. Rogers serves as President of SAT-7 USA, a Christian satellite television ministry by and for the people of the Middle East and North Africa. SAT-7 SAT-7, supports quality, indigenous-produced programming on four channels in three languages, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. In other words, he gets the Word out! He also served as President for Cornerstone University and was the author and voice of the radio program and newspaper column "Making a Difference." Listen here as he shares wisdom with compassion!

Dr. Prentice  serves as Vice President of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. There are so many accolades to be given, but today, he shares one of the most gentle, patient and intelectual interviews as we talk about taking the vaccine--a somewhat controversial topic--and the use of stem cells to create vaccines. He has good news! Listen here now! 

When a young girl slips away from her church and her family, trouble is likely around the corner. The story Elizabeth and Kandler share with us has everything to do with LIFE and disappointment. But God says "no one shall snatch them out of my hand!" John 10:28 Listen here now!

Frank is the brother of Stephen Siller. Author and family friend Jay Price wrote: “Every momentous event, even a tragedy, has its symbolic figures. September 11th was no different; it just had a few more of them. Rudy Giuliani, Father Mychal Judge, the four guys on United Flight 93 … a hundred more … a thousand. None bigger than Stephen Siller, whose stature only grows with time as New Yorkers and people from around the world follow his footsteps.” Listen here now! 

Most notably known as the single mommy of Twin Miracle Babies, her story is a teeter-totter series of very difficult decisions.  Undergoing a botched abortion, Crissy experienced a second tragedy. She was carrying twins, and now there was concern if both would survive. Crissy's experiences brought her to become a pro-life advocate, an aspiring author and an appearance in Benjamin Watson's movie Divided Hearts of America. Listen to her engaging story here! 

Death comes in all seasons, at all ages, and with surprises we can never anticipate.  Don't miss the complicated story with this outstanding Christian couple...and two almost identical daughters. Listen here to their gripping testimony! 

LoveLife.org is changing lives across our nation.  And they are calling on the Church to join them! Don't miss Josh Kappes detailed story of how he, as a pastor, felt God touch his heart for those experiencing abortion. Josh knew he was being called out of the physical building of a church and into the streets to save the lives of unborn children. So articulate, you can take this recording to your pastor...and we really encourage you to do just that! Listen here now

A touching story of sisters, Heather and Holly, who stepped out with their husbands to provide a Christian Adventure Camp for at-risk teens. The camp was a great success, but one day a cover of sorrow came over these two sisters and all those surrounding them. Two sisters, two opposite reactions and two testimonies of LIFE. Check out her book here. Listen here now! 

Aaron Snell joins his wife, Holly, as they share the ministry of Hope Women's Center in McKinney, TX.  Aaron, who has pastored a church prior to officially heading Men's Ministry at Hope, is a strong asset for Holly.  He has successfully done what most centers can't achieve--a strong program to help dads become nurturing father and husbands. It ain't easy...but for God! Listen here now!

Chuck Colson was the model of a man made over by Jesus. He  gave the church reasons to think through the happenings around our culture. John Stonestreet was Colson's choice to take over the ministry. John would make him proud! Father of four, John speaks on issues our culture faces today. The writings of Stonestreet and others at the Colson Center benefit youth as they prepare to be the next Christ followers of our world. Listen here!  

On September 12, 1988, Billy was living a life of decete and rage, but that lifestyle came to an abrupt end. He and his new wife Jodie had just used the last of their stash of drugs and Billy thought a bath sounded good. But instead of a relaxing soak, Billy got an unwelcome surprise. A SWAT team raided the Ballenger’s home, having been dispatched to apprehend Billy for his involvement in the recent violence and burglaries in the area. Hear part 1 of their incredible story here!  Listen to part 2 by clicking here! 

Cal Thomas is one of the most widely syndicated political columnists in America. Based in Washington, he is a wide-ranging social commentator, not a "beltway insider," who supports traditional conservative values and the American "can-do spirit." His faith deepened as he cared for his wife of 50 years. She passed two years ago, and Cal was recently blessed with a second marriage to a high school friend, his adorable wife, C.J.Berwick Thomas. Listen here now! 

Paige Cunningham serves Taylor University as the President, but when seen on campus, she looks like one of the students! Cunningham has extensive academic scholarship and professional experience, with an emphasis in bioethics, public policy, and pro-life issues. She has served as the ED of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity. Earlier in her career, Cunningham was President of Americans United for Life, a national pro-life advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. Listen here now!

Death unstablizes families, be it abortion or a tragic accident...or suicide. Rebecca Studer has a powerful story that reveals consequences only God can address with healing. Listen here now to her testimony! 

So good, we just had to rebroadcast it! Engaging us immediately with his story of their four miscarriages, Bill shares his journey to educate young students on the real story of abortion and the harm it is causing so many women and men. Scientific info is provided about the abortion pills RU-486 in his interview. Listen to William's interview here! And visit his website here.

Anthony Tyrone "Tony" Evans is a Christian pastor, speaker, author, and widely syndicated radio and television broadcaster. Evans founded and serves as senior pastor to Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. He shares his heart on the abortion issue, noting that it is ending the lives of black babies in unprecidented numbers. Pastor Tony Evans understands the value of LIFE, and has authored Kingdom Man, Kingdom Marriage, and most recently the Tony Evans Study Bible. Listen here now! 

Founder and CEO of Life Training Institute, Scott Klusendorf travels throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. He has the issue down to THREE points to share. Listen to Scott to be tooled up for any conversation about LIFE! Listen here now! 

Jonas and Anne Beiler were brought up Amish. They married young, and tradegy struck when the life of their toddler was abruptly ended in a horrible farm accident. Jonas became a counselor, and is helping others begin the healing process. He also shares his touching story of being called to help the parents of the Nickel Mines Amish Schoolhouse shooting. Listen here now! 

Perhaps this story is more common than we would like to believe. Abortion leads to abuse. Christine Segers shares a very private story of abortion so our listeners understand the truth...and the pain that follows.  Listen to her story here.

Known in Florida as Dr. Bob, the amazing Dr. Robert Petterson is a spell-binding story teller! And his stories, often painful, always redemptive, are true life for him as a young child.  He was abused, neglected, rejected by bullies...and yet GOD!  He is an author who encourages and directs through stories. Could have done 20 interviews with this amazing man and never repeated anything...accept how generous and kind God is. Listen to part one here!  And part two here!

George and Jan Glass have a love story that would top the charts if ever written/published! The hardest thing for him right now is being apart from his wife who is in a memory care facility. But where there's a will, there's a way.  See how his daughter, Cindy Shinabarger, made it possible to hold hands! Listen here now! 

Focusing on the powerful potential of their down syndrome daughter has given Kurt Kondrich national acclaim.  Chloe has been represented well by her father, her DadVocate! He's a national speaker, a loving father and a phenominal writer. Listen in to better understand the gift of down syndrome. Listen here now!

Pastor Mike Castelli was a research engineer at NASA when a co-worker shared Christ with him over several years. Mike says he was convinced by the evidence and accepted Christ. Steven Haley, owner of Alpha and Omega Communications, shared, "Mike is an extraordinary communicator who loves people and Christ. His technical training brings something special to his presentatioin." You will echo that when you hear this interview - click here!

Anne Beiler is famous for her Aunti Anne's Soft Pretzel, but in this poignant interview, you will hear the personal side of a tragic story. Her declaration is God's redemption. But her story is about survival. Don't miss the gifts of life, forgiveness and humility she imbues. Listen to part 1 now - and listen to part 2 here! 

There's nothing more special than hearing a good story! And Andy Andrews is the master of storytelling. Hailed by a New York Times reporter as "someone who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America,"  Andy shares his faith as well as his keen observations on life! Listen here now! 

This is a rare and vulnerable story of a young girl growing up in poverty, living in a deserted Box Car. Responsibility for her younger brothers fell on her shoulders--life was not easy. Hope and love came through teachers, especially the one who gave her "The Red Dress!" Listen now to this incredible testimony.

Founder of LIFE International, Kurt Dillinger responds to the great need our nation and our world is facing. He shares the impact Life International is having with the love of Christ in countries where little is heard about the powerful gift God gave us through His Son's death on the cross. It's ALL about Life! Listen here now! 

Toni Weisz shares a story that is powerful and so redemptive of turning ashes to beauty. Growing up in a home where church was a weekly routine, Toni found herself seeking love from other people. Her experiences are important for believers to hear so that we don't assume our church youth aren't at risk. Listen here!

Pastor of Covington Church, Spokan Church has planted a church at the local Planned Parenthood . The project is called TCAPP and the congregation has grown from 120 to over 600 people who come, sing hymns, pray and give an offering. That offering goes to help the pregnancy help center located across the street from PP. What an exciting ministry to consider for your church. Listen now to part 2 of this incredible interview!

Daughter of Bob Pierce, world evangelist and founder of World Vision and Samaritan's Purse, Marilee has a real discussion with listeners about the costs to families of evangelists traveling 10 out of 12 months a year. She frames her story in love and also in truth. Her's is an outstanding interview! Listen here now!

A dedicated and very creative pregnancy help CEO, Kerry Jepson creatively finds ways to attract abortion-minded clients. Her team is very capable of sharing options that provide LIFE for the unborn child and assurance for the mother needing help. Pray for centers in California where the abortion culture is...not...dead! Listen here now!

Chris Long is President of Ohio Christian Alliance, a public policy, voter education org representing Christian interests to Ohio legislature and U.S. Congress. Chris is the initiator of the D-Day Landing Prayer Act, which was signed into law on June 30, 2014, and will add the entire D-Day Prayer of FDR at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C. Listen here!

Robyn Chambers is Executive Director of Advocacy for Children at Focus on the Family. She oversees the ultrasounds being provided to pregnancy centers across America. Her story opens with, "I'll never forget what happened in Times Square!" Listen to Robyn's podcast and you will hear the shocking event that played out that day. Listen here! 

Dr. Anthony Levatino began his career as a doctor eager to help women make choices. At the time of his graduation from medical school, he was adamantly pro-choice and later performed over 1200 abortions. His poignant story shares the key to why Dr. Levatino is now one of the most vocal advocates for LIFE. He makes a tremendous connection for believers when it comes to our individual voting choices. Listen here!

As President of Save the Storks, Paul’s pastoral heart is heard loud and clear. “My sense,” he shares, “is that one way many people miss out on being a part of the pro-life movement is failing to strongly and prayerfully consider adoption.” Paul cites the convicting statistic that, if only 7% of Christians adopted, the world’s orphan problem would utterly disappear.  Listen to Part 2 here! And Part 3 here! 

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church, South Orange County, CA. He communicates God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they've learned to their daily lives. Pastor Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on Focal Point, but today he speaks openly about the need to address abortion/death and birth/LIFE. Listen here!

Bruce Hausknecht, J.D., is an attorney who serves as a judicial analyst for Focus on the Family. He is responsible for research and analysis of legal and judicial issues related to Christians and the institution of the family, including First Amendment freedom of religion and free speech issues, judicial activism, marriage, homosexuality and pro-life matters. He also tracks legislation and laws affecting these issues. Listen here! 

Founder and President of CMP, the Center for Medical Progress, David went undercover for 2 1/2 years to reveal the sinister actions of Planned Parenthood in procuring fetal body parts to sell to the DaVinci Companies for profit. “The DaVinci companies’ admission of guilt for selling baby parts from PP is a ringing vindication of CMP’s citizen journalism methods and accuracy." Pray for him as he continues the fight in court! Listen here!

Chuck Colson was the model of a man made over by Jesus. He  gave the church reasons to think through the happenings around our culture. John Stonestreet was Colson's choice to take over the ministry. John would make him proud! Father of four, John speaks on issues our culture faces today. The writings of Stonestreet and others at the Colson Center benefit youth as they prepare to be the next Christ followers of our world. Listen here!  

First of all, Patrick has a great radio voice! But his story about LIFE is even more amazing. Don't miss this personal story of Patrick's search to find his "secret" second family. Listen to his engaging testimony here! 

Paul sheds light on the current Covid-19 situation. As President of Save the Storks, Paul’s pastoral heart is heard loud and clear. “My sense,” he shares, “is that one way many people miss out on being a part of the pro-life movement is failing to strongly and prayerfully consider adoption.” Paul cites the convicting statistic that, if only 7% of Christians adopted, the world’s orphan problem would utterly disappear.  Listen here now!

Psychologist Dr. Donald Lichi speaks to our hearts in this time of uneasiness and, perhaps, downright fear. His direct talk makes this a must for all of us right now in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Don co-authored "Broken Windows of the Soul", and he serves as VP of Emerge Counseling Ministries. Through Heart to Heart Akron, Dr. Lichi is a key provider of leadership development to individuals and organizations. Listen to part 1 here!  And part 2 here! 

"Abby Johnson’s story of redemption and transformation is truly inspiring. Johnson was once the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, before a shocking event on Sept. 26, 2009, left her fleeing the organization, changing her views on abortion and becoming one of the nation’s most well-known pro-life speakers. Now, her story will be told in the new feature film, “Unplanned.” - CBN News Listen to her incredible podcast here!    Abortionworker.com

Nadia Gordynsky is founder and President of Save a Life International.  Their main focus is to educate and bring awareness to young people about sexual integrity, the consequences of abortion, and sharing God’s grace. We are opening new local crisis pregnancy centers that provide help to women in crisis pregnancies and empowering them to choose life for their unborn. We help hearts broken by abortion to find healing and forgiveness. Listen here! 

Pastor of Covington Church, Spokan Church has planted a church at the local Planned Parenthood . The project is called TCAPP and the congregation has grown from 120 to over 600 people who come, sing hymns, pray and give an offering. That offering goes to help the pregnancy help center located across the street from PP. What an exciting ministry to consider for your church. Listen here! 

Seeking to be the next Congresswoman from Ohio's 13th District, Hagan will always be defending the lives of the unborn. She shares her intimate story about the loss of two pregnancies. And she praises God for giving her twins to bless their family. Strong woman who is fighting for LIFE issues in upcoming election. Listen now to part 1 here! Listen to part 2 here!

Serving "Deeper Still" in Ft. Wayne, IN, Lisa and her husband Mike share a very intimate story of healing from abortion. They offer hope and opportunity for healing. Great listen! Click here!

Speaker who shares her story about abortion and being one of those harmed by deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopher. She experiences healing through Deeper Still, a program for those who have been harmed by abortion. To listen click here! 

Star Parker is the founder of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a non-profit think tank based in Washington, DC. CURE's  mission to fight poverty and restore dignity through the message of faith, freedom. As a woman who had several abortions, she knows--first hand--how the black culture is being targeted by Planned Parenthood. Listen here!

Marilyn and Glen have shared a joyful and adventurous life together for 61 years while also experiencing the tragic loss of 3 children—two infants and one 17 yr. old son killed by a drunk driver. Marilyn’s book, Roses in December, touches the heart of grievers seeking help and comfort. Pray for Marilyn—her present diagnosis is Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Listen here to the incredible interview! 

Pastor Walt Moss earned a Master’s Degree in Theology at Jacksonville Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor for 36 years. He belongs to the National Black Pro-Life Coalition and wrote the book Why I Am a Black Pro-Life Pastor.  In his interview he hits hard on the positioning of abortion organizations as they target the black community.  Walt sheds light and truth on the culture of death via abortion. Listen here!

Governor DeWine, currently serving as Ohio’s 70thGovernor, is very pro-life.  April 2019, he signed House Bill 493, known as the Ohio "Heartbeat Bill", into law, therein prohibiting abortion after a heartbeat is detected in a fetus, including in cases of rape and incest, one of the most extensive abortion restrictions in the nation. Listen to his interview here! 

Tina serves as VP of Students For Life, an org that reaches out to college, high school and even middle school campuses with info about healthy sex education and the truth about abortion. When registering online for the National Pro Life Summit coming up in Washinton, D.C. January 25-26 2020, use "ChooseLife" and get $10 off. Listen now! 

Jor-El Godsey leads Heartbeat International as President, overseeing the core mission of Heartbeat---to be the leadership supply line for the pregnancy help movement worldwide. Heartbeat provides conferences, training resources, leadership development and so much more. Listen here now! 

In this 2nd interview with Wende, she delves into her intimate story of the loss of her baby. She has been an integral component to Blessings, an organization that helps teen moms complete their schooling while learning the ins and outs of being a single parent. Listen to her incredible testimony here! 

In this 2nd interview with Bill, he dives into his Raising Fathers initiative. There really are no words to explain what takes place in this amazing interview with US Congressional Representative, Bill Johnson. His story is one that keeps you spellbound, right to the end! Get Bill's book "Raising Fathers" here and listen to his interview here

Bob Arnold worked with Youth for Christ for 40 years, and this eventually led to his ministry at The Meadow. In addition to his ministry, Bob shares vulnerably about the shocking loss of his daughter. Check out his Meadow ministry here. And listen to his interview here! 

Cindy writes a column for the Newport Beach newspaper, The Daily Pilot. She also provides support for people dealing with loss of loved ones, which is a road she has personally walked, experiencing the loss of her precious daughter. Her story is powerful and touching - listen here! 

Mike considered himself “pro-choice” until shortly after coming to faith in Christ, when the church he attended showed the pro-life film, The Silent Scream. Upon being confronted with the reality of abortion, Mike became deeply convicted and offered himself as a voice for the unborn. He is currently speaking for Life Training Institute. Listen here!

Dr. Sharon Morris May is the founder as well as a marriage and family therapist for Safe Haven Relationship Center in Carlsbad, CA.  She provides Marriage Intensives and Life Coaching opportunities to those seeking relationship support. Her faith is central to all of her work. Listen here! 

All the way from Cathlamet, Washington, today we meet a state trooper who uniquely cared for lost travelers. Sgt. Bradley Moon picked up on a call about an accident with an overturned truck and Winnebago. As he rushed to rescue the Fischer family of six, he had no idea how his faith would require his own family to step up and step out to serve God's call to be the Good Samaritan! Listen here! 

Suzie Thomas is no stranger to radio. She successfully interviews winners and leaders in Our Community! But today, we have her on the other side of the microphone, and you will learn things about Suzie that may amaze you. She has a tremendous heart for life, so don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy her adorable personality and her joy for LIFE! Listen here! Grab Suzie's book "Read it again Bible Stories" here. 

Margaret (Peggy) Hartshorn has yet to find a need that can’t be met! She currently serves as board chair of Heartbeat International, an organization she helped grow over the last 20 plus years. Her heart is for LIFE, and God has directed her into some amazing places of service. Don’t miss her excellent thoughts about providing life options to those who are abortion determined. Listen here to part one here, and part two here! Get Peggy's book here! 

Aleisha hails from Utah, she and her husband heard the bad news from her obstetrician that her baby was vulnerable to amniotic band syndrome, a rare development in the womb that can and will take the baby’s life.  This gripping story of how two young parents took immediate action to save the life of little Kai.  Aleisha is a speaker as well as an author of the tender book, Our Unbreakable Boy. Listen to part 1 of Aleisha's interview here - and part 2 here! 

As a teen-mother, Wende was always finding God’s strength to help her survive difficult situations. She speaks of the importance of sharing openly with your children truthful information about sex, relationships and cautioning youth. She has been an integral component to Blessings, an organization that helps teen moms complete their schooling while learning the ins and outs of being a single parent. Listen to Wende's story here! 

Congressman to Senator to Presidential Candidate, the real fame of this man is that he considers his most important position to be caring for his daughter, Bella. He shares openly about his service to his country in Congress and the U.S. Senate and the determination he has shown to make sure Bella is protected and cared for.  This precious little 11-year-old girl is a miracle Trisomy 18 baby who has given the Santorums a loving, lived-out testimony to the truth that everyone counts, even “the least of these.” Listen here! 

Christa grew up in a Christian home, attending church and living up to expectations of family and friends. But in high school she began to live two lives. And then, her world radically changed. Tune in to hear Christa’s story—it will encourage you and also introduce you to Teen Mother Choices International, which helps teen moms with the support of communities and churches! Listen here! 

CEO of Care Net, Roland Warren, shares his journey to head a ministry helping pregnancy centers across America do their work with excellence. You won’t want to miss his amazing story of how he was drawn to serve in a ministry that seems to be aimed at women dealing with unplanned pregnancies. But, as Roland points out, it is NOT just a woman who gets pregnant. Listen here!

Jackie Appleman, Executive Director of St. Joseph County Right to Life of South Bend, IN discusses with us the horrific news that deceased Dr. Ulrich Klopher had 2246 aborted babies stored in his home in Illinois. This grotesque discovery rocked the Christian world, but Dr. Klopher is not the first, nor will he be the last. Listen to Jackie's powerful interview here! 

Serving as a pastor, Kurt’s heart was heavy concerning our nation’s abortion laws. It caused him to start a crisis pregnancy center in his community, and soon, he was serving his pastorate and also serving as the executive director of the center. Kurt’s passion was so strong, he started Life International. His interview will touch your heart. Join in to hear his amazing story of becoming a landlord for an abortion clinic! Listen to (part 1) & (part 2) here! 

Kristan is determined to train and lead students of all ages through Students for Life. Kristan is a published author with several titles dealing with pro-life issues and more. A frequent speaker and media analyst, Kristan’s expertise includes abortion, feminism, disability advocacy and healthcare, as she navigates the social conditions and public policy that impacts the human rights issue of our day. Listen to (part 1) & (part 2) here! 

Rebecca Kiessling, founder and CEO of Save the 1, an organization bringing an important focus on saving babies from abortion. Rebecca has an amazing story to share—one that will underscore the gossamer thread of life of unborn babies heading for abortion. Listen to Rebecca's interview here! And visit Save the 1 here.

When your life is rocked with a diagnosis of a Trisomy 18 baby -  how do you choose to celebrate life through this difficult trial - especially when you are expecting your first son after all daughters? This son was to carry the special name of Louis—Brian and Ellie share their hearts as they talk about life from a very different point of view. This is a beautiful message of faithful love. Listen here! 

This pixie person with bright red hair and a personality that can’t be contained in her little tiny body keeps us moving as she shares her life as a nun, her marriages to two amazing men and … her very private and intimate story of caring for her husband as he died from Lou Gehrid’s Disease. Intimate and true. Listen to Marykay's interview here! 

Katie's story is all about following the vision God had given to her to start Film School Africa and teach in South Africa skills to provide them the ability to work in the film industry. South Africa is the largest film production location on the continent, and students learn not just the tools to make film, but the tools to live a life enrichment in God’s love. Listen here! 

Leslie is a national speaker and founder of the Alpha Center (pregnancy care center) and the Omega Maternity Home—in Sioux Falls, SD. Leslee has also founded the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, an org that provides schools with materials about the values of remaining abstinent until marriage. Listen to Leslie's interview here! 

Erica is such an articulate guest, sharing stories of what a day in the life of a Pregnancy Center Executive Director (Alpha Center) is like.  She shares the fun, the funny and the tragic—all with the focus on what God is doing with each person she serves. Listen to Erica's interview here! 

There really are no words to explain what takes place in this amazing interview with US Congressional Representative, Bill Johnson. His story is one that keeps you spellbound, right to the end!  Yet…there’s always more to the story! Listen to Bill's interview here! 

Engaging us immediately with his story of their four miscarriages, Bill shares his journey to educate young students on the real story of abortion and the harm it is causing so many women and men. Scientific info is provided about the abortion pills RU-486 in his interview. Listen to William's interview here! And visit his website here.

It’s always a joy to interview a personal friend and someone I have worked with in the industry of pregnancy care and protection.  Marsha has a beautiful story of her time in the counseling rooms with clients determined to end their pregnancies “before it is really a life.”  A rare peek into the mindset of the abortion-minded. Listen to Marsha's interview here! Catch her podcast here.  

Janet served in pregnancy work as a volunteer and now is an executive director of a large center in Ohio.  Her story is about sharing Christ as she talks about the sacrifice of life—the price that was paid on the cross and the gift of life God gives. A beautiful combination found in this interview. Listen to Janet's interview here! 

The interview with Fern is so powerful because of her love for people suffering from past abortions. Author of two grief recovery books—Refuge…My Safe Place and Portraits, Unveiled Freedom, Fern shares gems with us about her own life, and God’s amazing healings.  Listen to Fern's interview here! And grab a copy of Fern's book here! 

Pam Tebow has us spellbound as she shares about her son, Timmy, a Heisman Trophy winner and his work to provide orphanages and support for children in need. She shares her very personal story of a doctor’s admonishment that carrying Tim would likely end her own life. Listen to Pam's interview here!  And you can purchase Pam's book "Ripple Effects" here!

The Ohio face and voice that keeps everyone laughing, Robin is the real deal as she shares the story of her own life. Laughter abounds, but God’s healing is the poignant key to this beautiful woman’s interview. Listen to Robin's interview here!