Jill K. Taylor

Jill is founder and host of the Choose Life Radio Network. She served as CEO of Pregnancy Support Center of Stark County, Ohio (now Pregnancy and Parenting Center) from 2000 - 2018 and served as Director of Development in 2019.

Prior to her role with Pregnancy Choices, Jill was a public-school teacher. She holds a BA in English from UC Irvine and an MA in Education from Claremont Graduate School.

Jill has nearly 25 years of experience fundraising for life. During her tenure at Pregnancy Choices, the ministry increased from one counselling and support center with a budget of $125,000 to four fully-equipped medical centers and a budget of $1,300,000!

She has consulted with numerous pregnancy center staff and boards, spoken at banquets and conducted day-long fundraising seminars and workshops for Heartbeat International.

Jill’s commitment to Christ and passion for life caused her to initiate the Choose Life Radio Network, a ministry that focuses on sanctity of human life from a biblical worldview. The ½ hour weekly AM / FM broadcast becomes a podcast after airing on some 740 stations around the country. It features interviews with persons known for their strong commitment to life and incredible personal stories of faith.

Jill and her husband are parents to five grown children and two are long-term foster care. They have a daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law. Eight grandkids round out the Taylor clan.

You can reach Jill at jill@chooseliferadio.com -